Clutch Names MagicHire as one of the Game Changing Seasonal Staffing Services this 2023

Clutch Names MagicHire as one of the Game Changing Seasonal Staffing Services this 2023

Seasonal staffing is crucial for satisfying changing consumer demand, preserving the standard of customer service, increasing revenue, offering workforce flexibility, lowering overtime costs, and screening prospective permanent hires. In addition to providing possibilities for cross-training and bringing in specialized knowledge, seasonal hiring is essential for sectors with cyclical demand, such as agriculture, tourism, and retail.

Get to know more about how you can improve your staffing needs by partnering with MagicHire! We work hard to present the client with the very finest industry experts, but you are the one who chooses which prospects to hire. Our up-to-date market intelligence reports keep clients informed of brand-new technology and trends in hiring, enabling them to stay ahead of the competition in luring talent.

Our cutting-edge analytics and data analysis offer useful metrics and performance indicators to help clients hire more effectively and make better decisions. All of these combined helped us in reaching a massive milestone in our company’s history as we introduce our latest Clutch award! We’ve been named as one of the game-changing Seasonal Staffing Services providers on their platform.

Clutch, for those who don’t know, is an established platform in the heart of Washington, DC, committed to helping small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses identify and connect with the service providers they need to achieve their goals.

To celebrate this amazing accomplishment, we decided to highlight some of our favorite reviews on our Clutch profile! Here they are.

“I’ve been recruiting for 12 years, and positions can take up to two months to fill. MagicHire has found good candidates quickly, so we’ve filled positions within a month – they’ve never had a delayed project with us. Even with the start of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, they placed someone within 30 days. Moreover, the employees they’ve sourced for us have integrated very well into our company.”

Christina Tancredi, Talent Acquisition Lead at  ProFinda
“So far, MagicHire has helped us hire two people — both are still in the probationary period, but they’ve been meeting our expectations so far. We can fully answer this question when their probationary period ends.”

Tech Lead, Laundry Services Provider

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