IT Job Market Overview in 2022: Poland
Businesses around the world are struggling to find skilled specialists. Poland, in its turn, has greatly highly-skilled IT specialists to offer. In this article, we overview Poland's IT market and analyze the salary and number of open positions. So let’s begin!
IT market in Poland in 2022
Internet technology is a growing sector in Poland, driving employment and innovation. Poland has 50,000 software development companies, while over 800 focus on the international software development market. To deep down, Poland is ranked seventh among Europe's most successful IT sectors, with an impressive income of 8.8 billion euros ($9.3 billion) in 2022.
Poland has one of the most advanced IT sectors among the 23 Central and Eastern European countries. This European country has enormous economic potential. Many worldwide technology companies, including Microsoft, Intel, Google, IBM, Delphi, Samsung, and others, are eager to invest in the development of the Polish IT sector, and many have already established R&D facilities in the country.
One of the key factors contributing to the IT industry's progress is talent.
10 average salaries of top specialists in Poland
We analyzed the top eight tech positions for September 2022. It covers everything there is to know about tech job vacancies in Poland and the income ranges specialists can get.
So let’s dig a little deeper!
For starters, one of the most desired IT positions — is Full Stack engineer, based on reports from two major platforms for seeking a job: Glassdoor and Nofluffjobs.
Platform NoFluffJobs offer a similar number of positions for each proficient specialist’s level. It provides 165+ for senior and middle engineers.
At Glassbox, the number of senior positions equals 500, while open roles for junior and middle specialists vary from 40 to 140 vacancies.
According to our analysis, the average Full Stack developer's gross salary for seniors is $51-59 thousand, middle specialists earn from $28 to 48, and half as many juniors with a salary rank of $14-21,000 annually. By contrast, net income scope is $47,784 for senior developers, $38,316 for middle and $18,072 junior Full Stack engineers.
Glassdoor provides 672 open roles for senior backend specialists with an income range of $52,776, and juniors have 149 vacancies for $19,300 yearly.
Note: there are no available roles for middle Backend specialists.
What’s more, NoFluffJobs has four hundred positions with annual gross pay of $49,020 and $38,556 in net for middle experts and a similar amount for seniors with gross salary differences of about $60.156 and net income of $47,988. Still, juniors have to make big efforts to get the first offer as there are only 81 vacancies for $21,684 annually when gross income is $18,156.
In summary, Glassdoor provides the largest number of senior frontend developers, 813, with compensation of $45-56,280 in Netto and $44,220 in gross, and juniors may pick the perfect company among 180 open positions. Surprisingly enough, there are only 52 vacancies for middle-level frontend engineers, with the average salary for this occupation being $24,700 annually.
Quite simply, Polish frontend senior and middle-level developers hardly have the same open positions in 150-190, and income ranges from $24-46,536 and the gross salary is $36,312. Junior frontend should try harder 32 open positions with $21,396 income in gross when net salary is $16,980 yearly.
No doubt that DevOps Engineers' annual gross salary onset at $50,000 on Glassdoor and $55,788 and $43,908 net salary in NoFluffJobs. But what about the choice between companies, projects, and perks? So LinkedIn is behind the curve with 3 256 vacancies when Glassdoor offers 3 694.
Manual QA specialists
In fact, the compensation for Manual QA Engineers is $24,000 at both top platforms as Erieri and Glassdoor. However, more open positions are on LinkedIn. It counts 1200, comparing 465 in three times less than at Glassdoor.
Automation QA Engineers
On LinkedIn alone, automation QA engineers would choose between 2063 vacancies, while Glassdoor offers 871 jobs with an average salary of $32,076 per year. But that’s not all, Erieri platform provides a compensation range of $27,515 for best QA engineers.
Product Manager
It's difficult to imagine any organization without product managers, and the amount of unfilled opportunities in Poland demonstrates the job's popularity.
Together with LinkedIn, Glassbox offers 3783 positions in Poland. Above all, the yearly average salary really differs through the platforms. NoFluffJobs provides $45,024 salary in gross and $38,808 in net, Payscale – $39,164, and Glassdoor aims at half income for product managers, which funds $28,548 for a year.
Business Analysts
A position as a business analyst is even more prevalent. LinkedIn has 3304 open IT jobs in Poland– quite a selection for job searchers and a reflection of the country's busy tech sector.
Beyond that, Glassdoor supposes for 2857 ones.
The truth is that average income remarkably differs on each job-seeking platform. So Erieri and Salaryexpert provide a $30,000 salary annually for business analysts. Then NoFluffjobs appeals to candidates for $46,728 in gross and $33,120 in net.
Project Manager
Actually, the number of vacancies between LinkedIn and Glassdoor is the same, at 4400. The point is that Salaryexpert provides the highest average salary at $32,830, then Glassdoor, rollThePay, and Indeed in the range of $23-28,000.
Final words
Let’s recap, Poland has recently been a key IT powerhouse, with around 400,000 IT specialists. The consistently growing economy, adaptive and effective legislation, education, and large talent pool of unique IT experts all contributed to this country being one of the world's leading IT leaders.
Surprisingly, the number of open positions for developers is quite lower when product managers, business analysts, and project managers have more significant demand in Poland.
Why is this so?
The market is oversaturated with developers and QA engineers. Companies need people with no-tech skills to provide everyone with work, such as product managers or business analysts who would solve all the problems, improve your product, and build communications strategies for business. Knowing that you can adapt your recruitment strategy considering the current market state. Among numerous vacancies, businesses must stand out to hunt for the best candidates.
Most importantly, the MagicHire team knows the current state of the current IT job market in Poland. We are delighted to share our expertise and knowledge to find a relevant specialist for your team.
Based on your needs and project specifics, we target finding the best middle and senior-level IT specialists, no matter where you plan to work. Contact us — work with experienced professionals!